This was such a lovely event and I am beyond grateful to those who made it happen! Because the great bulk of activities over the weekend were free or reasonably priced and open to all I brought my extended family along and we all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.
One of the highlights of the event was the amazing and tireless John Bengtson who gave free walking tours of the area just south of Hollywood Blvd where Keaton (as well as Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin and others) filmed numerous pictures. I was blown away. But better praise might be that the family members who are not crazed Keaton fans were also amazed and enthralled by the walking tour and Bengtson's deep knowledge of Hollywood history. If anyone reading this doesn't know about Bengtson's work -- sleuthing out the locations where movies were filmed long before there was IMDB telling us ;) or commentary reels from directors -- they should check out his site: https://silentlocations.wordpress.com/about-john-bengtson/

After the cemetery and a quick bite to eat, we were up for another tour! Again with Bengtson, who must have clocked 20 miles and 20 hours over Saturday and Sunday, mostly canvasing the same ground repeatedly (and well-deserving of accolades) we learned about the films that were shot in and around Keaton's former studio location in Hollywood on Elinor Ave and Lillian Way.

I was sorry that we didn't get to go inside the lot where Keaton's studio had been, but we did walk all around the exterior with Bengtson pointing out the sites. We were directed to look at this house that appears in ... well, I'm sorry to say I don't remember which film(s)! ... but something of note. I will review my video clips and see if I can find it. lol. Pretty cool to see some building, any building, still present that had been a part of the backdrop scenery when Keaton was filming nearly 100 years ago.
On the site of the former Keaton studio (whose buildings were demolished in the 1930s) now sits a large warehouse utilized by a company called Quixote that does production supplies for films. I love knowing that this magical plot of land -- infused with Hollywood film history -- is still being used for industry-related business. Given the way the bustling surrounding worlds was carrying on around us, I was feeling particularly grateful that the current owner/tenant of the Keaton studio space was indulgent -- willing to get invaded by a bunch of Keatonians and endure the ceremony and plaque. Then I learned that the manager in charge of that location is himself a Keaton fan! So cool. Just another random little fact that seemed to fall into place and feel right.
To anyone who isn't familiar with the backstory, in fact there was already a Keaton commemorative plaque at this location. It was dedicated in 1988. But unfortunately it was placed on the wrong corner -- a situation that many people felt needed to be rectified. The plaque had other problems too, such as being difficult to read. So a fundraising campaign was begun, spearheaded by folks present at the ceremony (such as Alek Lev and Patricia Eliot Tobias), and a great deal of effort I'm sure, involving permits from the City of LA and other logistics, was undertaken as a labor of love for many. I myself followed the campaign's progress with rapt attention and planned to be present at the unveiling if there were any way possible. Luckily, there was every way possible. We simply drove to LA for the weekend. I feel lucky, and again grateful, to have been in position to do this!
The ceremony was extremely well done. Everyone who spoke told a compelling piece of the story (except for David Arquette who, in a brilliant performance, remained silent. I'm kicking myself for not getting this on video, because his pantomime and pratfalls were a perfect tribute.)
What I did get on video is the moment of the unveiling....
As if all of that weren't enough... we also were thrilled to have the opportunity to attend a screening of The Cameraman at Grauman's Egyptian Theatre on Hollywood Bvld.
The weekend continued to fall into place with kismet. We found easy parking nearby then grabbed a quick bite to eat. We decided we didn't have enough time to seek out Keaton's stars -- both of which I'd already visited and photographed years ago. So I wasn't too troubled. But we did decide to cross the street and walk back to the theatre on the other side just to take in some new sights on the Walk of Fame. While doing so, we randomly stumbled upon Keaton's! And it was the movie one. My son had the idea for this great picture :)

And then The Cameraman. Seeing this on the big screen with other die-hard Keaton fans and an amazing live music accompaniment was a treat. This was only the second time ever that I've been able to see a Keaton film in an actual theater.
It is an experience which is palpably better in every way.
The laughs are bigger, Keaton's beautiful face is more present. The charm of the Yankee Stadium bit and the shots of Keaton running through the streets of New York hit their marks in a way that just can't be replicated on the computer screen. The Cameraman was a perfect choice and speaks to the obvious care and attention to detail poured into this event by its organizers.
We had a blast at Buster Keaton Weekend!
June 16, 2018
Buster Keaton Day in LA